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Reggaeton porn gay video

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Ozuna, a married father of two, paid Fret $50,000 before contacting the FBI. This video was edited even more harm,” the statement by Dimelo Vi said. “Our attorney confirmed yesterday that urban artist Ozuna was extorted through an intimate video filmed when he was a minor. 10, claimed to have a video of an underage Ozuna performing a sex act and demanded money. No blackmailer was named in the press statement, but Ozuna’s attorney Antonio Sagardía stated that Kevin Fret, the openly gay trap singer shot and killed on Jan. “We hope that this will serve as an example and message to all teenagers and adults to protect their privacy and avoid regrettable situations,” said a statement by Ozuna’s label and management firm, Dimelo Vi.Īccording to Ozuna, Kevin Fret, a Latin Trap singer, was the one who blackmailed him.

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Reggaeton star Ozuna, 26, was the victim of a blackmail scheme involving an “intimate video” of himself taken while he was still underage.

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